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Managing Projects

Managing projects include creating and deleting projects as well as adding and removing users from the project.

Any activated user can create a new project. The project creator or the organization admin can delete a project.

Creating or Deleting a Project

  1. In the left navigation bar, click Account > Projects. The project dashboard is displayed.

  2. To create a new project:

    1. Click Create New. Create new project modal appears.
    2. In the Name field, enter the project name.
    3. To enable/disable VPN for the project, click the Enabled/Disabled button.
      Only an org admin or a project creator can enable/disable VPN on projects.
      When you create your first project, you cannot view the VPN option. However, you can enable it after creating the project.
      For more information, see Enabling VPN Services
    4. Enter the values for the subnets. This option is displayed only when VPN is enabled. Use the Add Subnet button to input values for multiple subnets. To delete a subnet, simply click the delete icon next to the corresponding value. This field is optional. If multiple values are provided, they will be advertised on all the routes.
    5. (Optional) Select the Users tab to add user to the project.
    6. (Optional) Select the User groups tab to add user groups to the project.
    7. Click Create Project. The newly created project can be viewed in the project dashboard.
  3. To delete a project:

    1. In the project dashboard, click the delete icon under Actions.
    2. A confirmation page appears, click Yes, Delete.

To create a project:

rio project create <project_name>

To delete a project:

rio project delete <project_name>

Transfer Project Ownership

The project or organization owner can transfer the project ownership to another member. This solves the issue of restricted modification rights if the original owner leaves the company or becomes unavailable.

Users need to be directly added to the project to transfer ownership; joining through a user group prevents ownership transfer.

To transfer project ownership:

  1. In the left navigation bar, click Account > Projects to access the project dashboard.

  2. Select the project for which you want to transfer ownership.

  3. Click the user icon under Actions.

  4. From the drop-down menu, select the user to transfer ownership to, then click Update.

    A notification message appears confirming that the project owner has been successfully updated.

To update the owner of the specified project to the user with the provided email address:

rio project update-owner <project_name> --user-email <new_owner_email>

If “–user-email” is not specified, it prompts an interactive list of project users to select the new owner.

For information on how to update the owner of a project:

rio project update-owner --help

Nominate the Project Admin

The org or the project admin can nominate another project member as the admin of that project.

  1. In the left navigation bar, click Account > Projects. The project dashboard is displayed.
  2. Select the project for which you want to nominate a new admin.
  3. Under Existing users, hover over the username and click Admin to nominate the project member as the new admin.

Switching between Projects

Consider two projects, example-0 and example-3. To switch from example-0 to example-3:

  1. Select the dropdown at the top left corner of the page.
  2. Select example-3 from the list of available projects.
  3. Now you are in example-3 project namespace.

You can also search for a project using the project ID at the top left corner of the page.

rio project select <project_name>