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Make a contributionYou do not have to include the ROS Master as an executable of a component if it is meant to run on the cloud. The platform manages running ROS Master for you on the cloud and the container preinstalled device runtime.
In the special case where the user chooses to use the preinstalled runtime on the device, it is not possible for to ascertain the state and configuration of your system in a non-invasive manner. Here, you should ensure it is started before the platform-tools interact with it. You could handle this during device boot, or ensure it is added in the corresponding package as an executable.
In the ROS1 world, all relevant ROS nodes form a fully connected communication graph with peer-to-peer data transfer mediated by a single point of discovery (ROSMASTER). This is a reliable approach when dealing with communication on the same piece of hardware.
Core ROS1 architecture (rosmaster, params, protocol) is not designed to handle any kind of node/network failure or transient loss. While one may get lucky on a local network, it is destined for failure in most real-world network environments and the public internet. It also lacks necessary features such as QoS, encryption/security, compression required while building enterprise-grade applications. Additionally, while working with multiple robots/multiple hardware nodes, it mandates complex configurations and namespacing to assign identities, and avoid inadvertent cross-talk (e.g. two robots publishing to the same /odom topic).
To facilitate communication topologies that involve ROS nodes on multiple nodes, in different physical environments, with different robot kinds and diverse application needs,’s communication fabric transparently implements key features to augment the shortcomings of ROS while adding crucial enterprise features.
If in the ROS Service logs you experience the error: incoming connection failed: unable to receive data from the sender, check sender’s logs for details, please ignore it. The error message is generated by ROS internally as a side effect of the sniffing done by the cloud bridge to determine metadata related to ROS message type for the service. It has no other effects on your code and/or the code’s functionality, and you can safely ignore it.
The platform adopts a declarative approach to describing the ROS interfaces (topics/services/actions) your package provides. This information is used by the platform while binding/linking different deployments together to automatically proxy the right information to the correct deployment. It works for arbitrary message types and only requires the user to providing topic/service/action names and zero changes to your application source.
To promote reuse of applications and allowing for as much flexibility as possible, intentionally does not enforce pre-defining which package can depend on the other, this is left to the developer.
To learn about composing software using multiple packages please first refer to the design patterns section
To prevent such unintentional cross-communication between deployments of two packages, requires a package to declare a whitelist of ROS inbound topics/services/interfaces it can receive from a child dependant on it.
If you intend to add a deployment of any package as a dependent deployment of the current package, the ROS topic/service/action of the dependent deployment must be declared as an inbound ROS interface. An inbound ROS interface could be a ROS topic that a dependent deployment publishes to the current package, a ROS service, or a ROS action of the dependent deployment provided that the current package is allowed to call that ROS action or ROS service.
A ROS service call is blocking in nature. It prevents the client thread from continuing to execute further instructions until it receives a reply from a ROS server. Occasionally, the service call waits much longer than expected, and in more adverse cases, the call never returns due to software or network failure. Hence, further execution of the client program is stalled. defines ROS service timeout as the number of seconds to wait for a response to the service request before timing out and erroring out. The application developer must add appropriate logic to handle these exceptions as required. The default timeout is 120 seconds. offers a tunable level of reliability for ROS topics for the transport layer even over the public internet. The QoS (quality of service) attribute of the package reflects this function. The offered and the recommended uses cases are as follows:
The highest possible QoS is Maximum by using end-to-end protocol delivery confirmations, message ordering guarantees, and retires in case of failure. It is typically intended for one-off critical control/command messages. e.g. : Start/Stop application
The lowest possible QoS is Low and is used for rapidly produced data such as sensor/telemetry data where the application can tolerate small message loss in favor of better performance, throughput, and lower latency.
These are intermediate levels offered between the two extremes that may be more suited in more intermediate cases. Each level trades off to balance reliability and performance differently.
The user may optionally enable transparent compression. The platform relies on a snappy compression algorithm. Compression is not free. You usually pay a small penalty, with messages long repeats and sparse data such as laser scans, maps, etc. The benefits of a reduced payload more than compensate for this penalty and let the user send much larger volumes of data over the communication link.
ROS has several key pain points when working with multi-robot systems that often need error-prone setups involving specific launch sequences, roslaunch/XML files, and remappings. ships with special support for multi-robot systems and enforces runtime identities to robots automatically wrap and unwrap for the right agent.
Learn more about dedicated ROS communication support
A ROS bag is a file format in ROS for storing ROS topic message data. The platform allows you to record the ROS messages (ROS topics) for ROS enabled components deployed on the cloud. You can stop the recording and download the stored data for further analysis and troubleshooting. You must define the topics that you want to record while configuring the components in a package, or during deployment. If you have defined any ROS bag job during package creation or deployment, you can also add new ROS bag jobs for the same component after deployment.
ROS bag job is supported on the components that are deployed on either cloud or the device with docker runtime.
A maximum of three jobs can be added to a component.