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Preparing a Raspberry PI Device

This tutorial helps you to prepare the following Raspberry PI device for onboarding in the platform.

Generic x64

Preparing UP Board

  • UP board
  • DC power supply rated 5V/4A
  • USB flash drive
  • Monitor screen
  • HDMI cable
  • USB keyboard
  • USB mouse
  • Internet connection for UP board over ethernet

To prepare the UP board device, follow the instructions in sequence:

  1. Download reference Board Support Package (BSP) image (amd64 CPU architecture).

    The custom image comes with Ubuntu Xenial OS and ROS Melodic Morenia software installed on it. Moreover, the tutorials are also installed on the custom image.

  2. Burn the downloaded image on a USB disk using Etcher tool.
  3. Insert the USB installer disk into an empty USB port on the device and proceed with the normal Ubuntu installation.
  4. Reboot the device once Ubuntu is installed.
  5. Connect the ethernet port of the device to a router.

You may use nmap to determine the device IP. Replace in the below command with your local IP address.

nmap -sn

To ensure that everything is OK, SSH into the device. Both the default username and password for the custom image are rapyuta. You are required to change the password as soon as you sign in.

ssh rapyuta@


Preparing Raspberry PI 3

  1. Raspberry PI 2 or 3
  2. Micro SD card of at least 16 GB and class 10
  3. Internet connection over ethernet

To prepare the device, follow the instructions step-wise:

  1. You may download either reference Board Support Package (BSP) image (arm32v7 CPU architecture) for Raspberry PI 2 and 3, or reference BSP image (arm64v8 CPU architecture) for only Raspberry PI 3.

    The custom images come with Ubuntu Xenial OS and ROS Melodic Morenia software installed on them. Moreover, tutorials are also installed on these custom images.

  2. You can easily flash the SD card using Etcher or other options.
  3. Insert the SD card into the Raspberry PI microSD slot and power the device.
  4. Connect the ethernet port of the Raspberry PI to a router to access the internet.
    You may use nmap to determine the device IP. Replace in the below command with your local IP address.
nmap -sn

To ensure that everything is working OK, SSH into the Raspberry PI using the default username and password, both of which are set to rapyuta.

You are required to change the password as soon as you sign in.

ssh rapyuta@

Alternatively, you may use a serial terminal to achieve the same result.

Some platform services such as “native networks” require that cpuset and memory cgroups are enabled.

To achieve this add the following in /boot/cmdline.txt. cgroup_enable=cpuset cgroup_enable=memory cgroup_memory=1

What to do Next

After you successfully prepare the Raspberry PI device, you can onboard the device to the platform. For more information about onboarding a device, click here